About Me

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Hollo! My name is Amber Lin. I am a student in Taiwan and studing in National Chenchi University now. My major is Public Finace. My favorite color is green. I think green is the color of nature, and I love nature too. I like children and I also like helping other people. So now I am in the international volunteer association. This summer I am plaining to Qinghai to teach local children. I am looking forward to it!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Every Monday night, we have our get-together. And each week, we have different activities around international volunteer. Last week we saw the movie “PINOY SUNDAY”. This movie is a comedy which is taking about the life of the Philippines who work in Taipei. After I saw this movie, I changed my views about southeastern workers. I didn’t like the southeast worker before because I didn’t know much about them. I didn’t know about their language and culture, didn’t like their favor, I thought they are strange. All above these is “my views”. But this movie was made by Philippine workers view. Through this movie, I can know more about their life in Taiwan and their feelings about working in Taiwan through their views. Finally I know that when we change our view, many things will be different. Although “PINOY SUNDAY” is a comedy, it is a meaningful movie. It is worth watching!        
You can seen more about “PINOY SUNDAY” in this website:

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Are We Idiot?

At the beginning of this semester, the famous professor, Jia-tong Li, said a surprising talk “All college students who went tribe servicing are idiots”. As a volunteer, I do not disagree all he said. I agree that while college students go remote mountain for servicing, they will not only help local resident but also causing troubles for local people. However, I don’t think that those college students went there just for fun. Take me for example. I have joined the international volunteer association more than one year. And I have went Jia-yi and Nan-tou to hold summer camp and winter camp for local student. I think we have brought different experiences and views for local student. And they enjoy our camp too. So I don’t agree that we are idiot who just waste resources and do something without meanings.